The New Iona Village Hall

“An Talla Bail: The Heart of Iona” is a community building project founded on a thorough period of consultation to identify need in the community. It is focused on the development of the 90-year-old village hall – to address grassroots need in a strategic and sustainable way. At the heart of the project is a vision to be more than just a ‘village hall’ but to meet the wider needs of the community in a sustainable way which contributes socially, economically and with less environmental impact.

We believe that the process of developing and maintaining this community asset will bring people and groups together to work better together across Iona, neighbouring islands and national networks. Though an attractive tourist destination, the island is a “very remote rural area” (Scottish Government) and has inherent deep-rooted need as a consequence.

Having completed the feasibility and business plan stage, we are now in a position to take forward the proposals as chosen by the community and bring the new facility and its benefits to the island.

We will be updating this part of the website with lots more information but you can see the Project Milestones, updates on the building project and the plans of the new building.