Who Are We?

The organisation was originally formed in 1928 as an unincorporated organisation without charitable status. This served the community well and local people were elected regularly to serve on the committee to look after the Hall. A very large proportion of islanders have served on the committee over the years and it has always been an open and inclusive structure.

During the development of this concept, it became clear that that an unincorporated organisation was no longer robust enough or, indeed, able to take ownership of the land required.  We explored the options available to us and achieved our SCIO charitable status in April 2017.

Anyone who lives or owns a business on Iona is eligible to be a member of IVHCT, with voting rights.  This project has also sparked a demand for ‘friends of’ for those not resident on Iona but who want to be involved – we are working on this!

The current Trustees, making up the Hall Committee, are:

Anja Jardine – Chair
Gordon Bruce – Vice-Chair
Joanne MacInnes – Treasurer
Katie Gordon – Minutes Secretary
Rebecca Knight – Trustee

Jana McLellan – Trustee

Mairi MacDonald – Trustee
David Allaway – Trustee

We currently employ a Hall Development Manager – Fiona Kyle – who manages day-to-day running and  bookings.